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⭐️ Types of Issues and How to Respond

This page should be able to guide you through how to respond to just about any support request.

Fig isn't working properly / Fig is breaking something on my system
e.g. autocomplete isn't showing up, autocomplete has wrong cwd, integration isn't able to be installed, Fig is crashing my shell, Fig is preventing me from typing in my terminal...

Is this a bug that we've seen before?
👉 Search existing issues and/or add to the common issues

✅ Yes - this is a known or resolved issue
👍 We have a fix for this issue
👎 We do not yet have a fix for this issue
❌ No, not sure, or need more information
Usability issues
Autocomplete feels weird/unnatural, it blocked me from doing something I wanted to do

Do we have a concrete example of what is happening?

What exactly was the workflow the user was trying to do? How did Fig get in their way? Even better ask for a video reproducing.


Important: Do not let the user impose a solution on you. We need to know their exact problem. Then we can brainstorm solutions. See learning from users

✅ Yes - we know the workflow the user is doing and how Fig is blocking

Do we have a setting to solve for this?

✅ Yes

❌ No

❌ No, not sure, or need more information
  1. How did Fig get in your way? Give a concrete example.
Feature request
  1. create GitHub issue
  2. Associate user with issue
  3. Understand the exact workflow the user is trying to do + how often they do it.
  4. Log in learnings section of weekly support summary
  5. Set a reminder to follow up

Example Email

Hi {first_name} - thanks so much for this feedback.

I'd love to understand more about your workflow here. What are the exact commands you run, how often do you do this, >and how could you imagine Fig helping?

This is definitely something we can help with, just want to really hone in on the problem you're facing 😊


Integration request
  1. create GitHub issue - tag with integration request
  2. Associate user with issue
Privacy Concerns
e.g. don't like login, worried about telemetry, work does not authorise

Hi - yes completely understood.

Just to clarify:

  1. All of Fig's completions are local (we don't send your keystrokes to our servers).
  2. We do have limited telemetry (outlined in a readable way here: ) but you can actually disable this entirely by running the following:

fig settings telemetry.disabled true 

Do these alleviate any privacy concerns?


If does not alleviate, log in weekly support summary


Common uninstall reasons and subsequent actions

When we see an uninstall the aim is to work out:

  1. Why exactly did they uninstall?
  2. If it's something we can fix, let's fix it.
  3. If we can't initially fix, can we debug with them?
  4. Let's learn more about their terminal pain points and come up with future products we could build.

We would like them to get back on Fig, but let's not be too pushy.

For all of these, makes sure to Set a reminder to follow up

Specific Bug
Fig didn't work OR Fig broke something on my system
Use the **Fig isn't working as expected** guide above.
Non-specific Bug

Use the Fig isn't working as expected guide above.


See usability section above

Not as useful as another tool

What features of the other tool do you use every day that you can't get elsewhere?

Capture this in weekly support summary


See Privacy section above


Ask for clarification, follow up

Example Response Email 1

Hi {first_name} - Sorry to hear Fig didn't work out for you.

Would love to understand more about what's going on here. Did Fig get in your way at all? 

We'd love to get these issues fixed so we can get you back on Fig! 😊 Brendan

Example Response Email 2

Hi {first_name} - Sorry to hear Fig didn't work out for you.

We actually have seen this bug a few times so we just pushed a fix!

If you'd like, you can re-download Fig here or run brew install fig.


Issue is resolved with our help
e.g. after we told them how to fix the issue, it went away

Example Response Email

Hi {first_name}.

Glad to hear you were able to get Fig working!

If anything else comes up, please let us know, we are happy to help 😊


Originally had issue but it resolved itself

Usually occurs when the user uses fig doctor or our builtin debugger to resolve their own issue.

This is good, but we want to understand what exactly happened in the first place.

If it's a bug we

Hi {first_name}.

Sorry to hear about the issues but glad to hear you were able to get it resolved.

Out of interest, what exactly happened?

If this keeps happening or you have any other issues, please let us know, we'd be happy to help! 😊


User love

When users say really nice things about us, we:

  1. Share a screenshot in the #user-love channel on discord
  2. Capitalise on their enthusiasm to upsell them on something.


Tweet about us

Hi {first_name}.

So glad to hear you're liking Fig!! That was such a nice email to receive - would you be open to Tweeting that? We would happily re-share on our account!

We are very big on feedback, so if you have any problems or ideas, please let us know - we’re so happy to help!! 😊



Hi {first_name}.

So glad to hear you're liking Fig!!

If you're interest in building a completion spec, all of them are open source

We are very big on feedback, so if you have any problems or ideas, please let us know - we’re so happy to help!! 😊
