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Creating GitHub Issues

Use for all issue creation. It enforces a labelling standard

Label Standard

  • Mandatory: bug | feature_request | integration_request
  • Code: The part of Fig's codebase responsible for this error
    • If you aren't 100% sure, put _unsure_
  • Integrations: Issues that only happen with a specific integration. If it happens for all, leave blank
  • Other: duplicate, wontfix, need_to_label, priority:high

Imagine a world where every issue in the GitHub repo was labelled correctly. This would pay many dividends:

  • Engineering and product teams would have a good gauge of issues
  • Users would be able to search public issues
  • If there are no duplicates, we are able to associate users with the correct issues
  • The public can contribute / offer suggestions to help
  • We can hire part-time or full-time based on increasing issues in certain repos

I want Fig to live in this world. Eveything should either be accurately labelled OR if you have a tiny bit of doubt, label it as _unsure_ or need_to_label and someone with more experience will label it accurately. Guessing incorrectly will just cause problems. It's actually better if you say you don't know!

Finally, and issue should never be blank!