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This part of the handbook is taken from:

How do you know how to best work with an individual? We all operate very differently. Usually you can only work out things about someone (e.g. what annoys them, what someone appreciates, how someone manages, how someone operates etc) by trial and error after months of experience. If every person has to do that with everyone colleague, that just doesn't scale. In fact, it's stupid. We're a high growth startup, we can do better, and thus we have "Working with me" pages.

A Working with Me page outlines your operating approach, your management style, your communication choice, and anything else you think it is important for anyone working with you to know. That's it!

Feel free to check out the example from Claire Hughes Johnson (Stripe's COO) above + other examples including Brendan's.

I recommend including a "TLDR" at the top of your Working with Me. If I (Brendan) am about to meet you for the first time and don't have time to read your full write up, tell me the must know things in 1 minute.

I encourage anyone who joins to follow write their own following a similar format. I also recommend updating it over time. If you aren't updating your work style over time, you aren't adapting to the changing constraints of a high growth startup!