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Customer Success at Fig has five aims:

  1. Make sure users love Fig: Help users resolve their issues unreasonably quickly. If we can't solve their issue, get feedback, make them feel heard, and set expectations of when we will be able to get them fixed.
  2. Increase our number of users: People will churn, how can we get them to re-engage? Let's not push them, but if we understand their problems then solve them, we would like them to come back!
  3. Learn more about other pain points developers face: Fig makes developer's lives easier in the terminal. Developers face lots of problems that we might not be aware of. Let's learn more about them so we can think about solving them in the future.
  4. Help the Fig team prioritise its roadmap: Summarise learnings from our users into actionable information for the Fig team
  5. Help users help themselves: Maintain a public knowledgebase of issues and solutions. We want to make it easy for users to self-diagnose and solve problems without going through us


How do we provide superb customer success?

  1. Go above and beyond
  2. Answer in public
  3. Always be learning
  4. Be short, clear, and concise
  5. Ask for concrete examples
  6. Label correctly
  7. Associate users with issues
  8. Follow up
Note from Brendan

I firmly believe that customer success is the most important role in the company.

To build a great company, we need to talk talk to users and solve their problems. Customer success involves talking to thousands of users every week.

It's your job to learn as much as you can from our users, convey this to the Fig team, and help us shape our roadmap and future products.