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⭐️ Actions

For every support request, you need obviously need to respond to the user. But there are a few other actions you may need to take

ActionWhen to do itWhy we do itHow to do it
Create GitHub IssueIf it's a bug, feature request, or integration request that doesn't already exist
  1. For users: Answering in public helps users find and/or resolve issues without our support
  2. For Fig team: Helps us sort and prioritise issues. It's our issue tracker
Use to create issue and search existing issues
Associate User with GH IssueFeature requests and integration requests. e.g. if a user says they want PyCharm support, associate them with the Jetbrains issueWhen we ultimately close an issue, we can reach out to the relevant users and tell them their issue is resolved 😊
In the future, we will associate every support ticket with a GitHub issue (open or closed) and use this data to automatically create our weekly support review
  1. Find the issue in
  2. Click the "+ Associate User" link
  3. Paste the link to the email thread, or the user's email/Twitter handle/Discord username etc
Set reminder to follow up with userAlways unless the user's issue was resolved.Because we want to
  1. make sure the user gets their issue resolved
  2. get more diagnostic information that we need to solve the issue
  3. get feedback to learn what we can be doing better
  4. go above and beyond
Using Superhuman: press `h` OR cmd+k then search "Remind Me". For severe issues set the reminder for 2 business days. For less severe set for 5 business days
Put in Weekly Support ReviewFor the moment, everything goes in the support review.

In the future, support review will be automatically created so long as we create issues accurately and Associate Users with them
The support review gives the Fig Team a summary of everything that happened in "user land" in the last week, allows them to dig deeper into specific issues, and helps the team prioritise for the next week.This page in Notion
Ask for more informationBasically alwaysSo we can solve user issues!Attach any of the below information to the relevant GH issue
  • ask for concrete examples e.g. "What commands do you run in the terminal every day?", "How did Fig get in your way?".
  • get diagnostics: `fig diagnostic`
  • ask for dotfiles (so we can recreate their environment).
  • ask hypotheticals e.g. do you think it would be better if Fig did X?
  • let the user tell you the solution. The user does NOT
Schedule a debugging callBugs faced by a lot of users, very severe bugs that prevent a user from using their terminal, bugs we just can't seem to debug asyncBecause we want to get bugs solved asap
Ask user to contribute themselvesCompletion spec related issue that we can't fix immediately and will probably just end up in the backlog if they don't do itBecause it takes the pressure off us!Link them to and withfig/autocomplete