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Future of Fig

Fig's ultimate vision is to become the next GitHub / Atlassian. Fig will be core infrastructure for every developer.

You go to a new machine or device and the first thing you do is install Fig. You join a new company and the first thing the company does is add you to their Fig team.

Here is the general sequence for how we get there:

  1. โœ… Autocomplete
    • Build the "killer app", the hook that gets people to install Fig and us it every day.
    • At the same time, build out the APIs that enable anyone to build their own app
  2. Mission Control
    • Build the next "killer app", mission control, the source of truth for your developer environment.
    • Make Fig core infrastructure for every developer that they have to take with them to every device
    • Mission control allows you to customize your terminal configuration and create shortcuts. We then let you and sync your developer environment across devices and version control the changes you make.
    • Enable others to build into this. Integrate with existing tools and use this as a growth lever.
    • Finalise our APIs
  3. Launch Fig.js to the public
  4. Port Fig over to Linux and windows.
  5. Command pallette
    • This will be our last "interface" (along with mission control and autocomplete).

The above can happen simultaneously, but this is our general order of priority. Growing Fig's WAUs is of course always a priority.